Wednesday, September 5, 2007

From the category of: Why did I have children?

Becca asked me why I had a shirt on under my sweater. I said that this way if it got hot when we were outside, I could take my sweater off. Becca said that if I wasn't wearing a shirt or pants or panties I would be naked. I made the mistake of saying "And no one wants to see Mommy outside naked." Becca's response (word for word): "No one wants to see your big, big, big, big, humonguous butt". Thanks, Becca. I'm happy she knows the word "humonguous" but she only seems to apply it to my butt.

1 comment:

susan said...

Tell Becca that Grandma Susan said that Mommy has a big, big, big humungous heart and braind.