Friday, September 28, 2007

Rebecca's letter to mommy

This was in Rebecca's backpack, folded like a card, when I picked her up from school today. I asked her what it was and she told me it was a letter to me and here's what it says:

"Dear Mommy,
I miss you when I am at school. I enjoyed seeing you at pick-up. I love you.

Don't you just love her?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Emily's Bill of Rights

I saw this in the classroom when I took Rebecca in for show and tell today. I thought it was amusing. I believe the first line says "We have the right to: Eat ice cream."

Show and Tell Pictures

Emily had show-and-tell at school today. The note home said that you could bring people or pets if you arranged it with the teacher ahead of time. Emily decided she wanted to bring Rebecca as her show-and-tell. It was sooooo cute. Emily told the class all about Rebecca - she's sweet because she eats a lot of sugar, she loves ducks, her favorite color is blue. Then Rebecca showed the class what she learned in ballet class and they all tried it. Videos are in a separate post.

Show and Tell Videos

During show-and-tell Rebecca showed the class what she learned in ballet class and they all tried it. My favorite is the big boy right in front of the camera doing pirouttes.

HAHA picnic (Harvard Acres Homeowners' Association

On Saturday, we went to the annual HAHA picnic. They had a bouncy castle and a climbing wall. Jay and Emily in particular LOVED the climbing wall. Rebecca was so bummed that she was too small - sadly a recurring theme.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Apple and Raspberry picking with Amanda's new best friend, Gwen

Friday was a half-day at the girl's school and about 85 degrees. We went apple and raspberry picking at a farm just around the corner from our house. This really is country! The farm was on the honor system and we were the only people there - just pick what you want and leave some money in the jar. Hard for a girl from New York like me to believe.

The blond girl is Amanda's new best friend, Gwen. She is super nice.

We also went to the town beach at Lake Boon but I didn't bring the camera.

Castle in the Park Playground, Littleton

This week the weather has been absolutely spectacular here so Becca and I couldn't resist picking the girls up at school on Thursday and heading to the playground. So far this is their favorite playground in the area.

Visit from Emily's friend, Madeline

Madeline is the same age as Emily and Amanda and is in fact that much taller than the girls. Danny, Madeline's little brother is 4 1/2 and towers over our girls. Luckily, size doesn't matter for friendship!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Rebecca's First Day of School

I'm glad the school remembered to take a picture. And, for those of you keeping track, she is wearing the "purply dress." She did not wear it today, thank goodness, for her second day. She seems to be loving it so far. PhillipJonnyBob, her stuffed elephant, is quite enjoying it too. I think he's helping her with the fact that she doesn't know anyone yet - he likes to do everything she does.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Ballet and Tap Class

Rebecca started dance class this week. It's a combo ballet and tap class and they couldn't be cuter!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Visit to Connecticut (part 3) - swimming in the lake and playing on the dock

We were only there for about 3 hours but we packed a lot of fun into that time!

My nephew, Sam, 9 1/2 months.

These are Stephanie and Eric's kids, Kristen and Natalie, with Rebecca.

Visit to Connecticut (part 2) - The Jet Ski

Don't worry, it wasn't actually moving.

Visit to Connecticut (part 1)

On Sunday, we drove down to Connecticut to see Andrea, Caroline and Sam, and very briefly, Uncle Matt. Stephanie and Eric (Andrea's sister and brother-in-law) took us out for a ride on their boat in Candlewood Lake. The girls had a GREAT time (thanks, Stephanie and Eric) and are now asking when we can get a boat and a jet ski. Maybe I shouldn't have quit my job?

Natick Days 2007

We went back to Natick on Saturday for Natick Days. Although it was 98 degrees according to the thermometer at the bank in Natick Center, we had a great times. We got to see a lot of the girls' old friends from Natick and some familiar places.

Rebecca's orientation at Steppingstones Preschool

Rebecca had her orientation at her new preschool, Steppingstones, last Thursday. She got to meet the teachers and the other kids in her class and see the classroom. She only had eyes for the baby dolls, though. When you ask her about preschool, all she says is that she's looking forward to playing with the babies. And, of course, she is wearing "purpley dress."

Rebecca's teachers.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My worst is that you won't let me blind myself

This is how our conversation went at dinner:

Melissa: "Amanda, stop waving that pencil. It will fly out of your hand, hit Rebecca in the eye and blind her." (standard mom-speak, right?)

Amanda: "But I want to blind her because then she will need to get a dog to help her and I can play with it. I really want a dog."

Jay: "Amanda, that's not funny. Not all blind people have seeing eye dogs, they are not to play with. Being blind is not a joke, etc."

Amanda: "OK fine, I'll blind myself then." (pencil moving towards eye).

Melissa and Jay: lots of yelling.

Melissa: "Let's get back to what we were talking about. Amanda, do you have a best or worst today?"

Amanda: "My worst is that you won't let me blind myself."

From the category of: Why did I have children?

Becca asked me why I had a shirt on under my sweater. I said that this way if it got hot when we were outside, I could take my sweater off. Becca said that if I wasn't wearing a shirt or pants or panties I would be naked. I made the mistake of saying "And no one wants to see Mommy outside naked." Becca's response (word for word): "No one wants to see your big, big, big, big, humonguous butt". Thanks, Becca. I'm happy she knows the word "humonguous" but she only seems to apply it to my butt.

And while the cats were away, the mouse played

All day long it was "Mommy, play with me." I felt bad that her sisters weren't here all day to play with her (although not too bad since she turned down a playdate with the twins across the street). So, we went to the playground and to the candy store (a real old-fashion chocolate store in a mansion with penny candy and homemade chocolate - yum)

The candy factory is in Shrewsbury - I think we are off to check that out today. The candy store will not be an everyday event though - despite what Rebecca thinks!

First Day School Projects

Emily had computer class on her first day. The assignment was to create a pattern. If you look carefully, it's "Bunny, umbrella, fire, rope, bunny umbrella, fire, rope".

Returning from the First Day of School

So, just what you want to hear on the first day of school but there was the call from the nurse at Pompo to tell me that Amanda fell off the play structure at the playground. She's fine but it made me a bit of a wreck for the rest of the day (at least, though, I did know that she got there ok on the bus).

The girls LOVED school and LOVED taking the bus. Emily's teacher does cartwheels in the classroom when the class does something good so they all think that is pretty cool. Also Amanda was excited about the concept of a peanut-free table in the lunchroom so she doesn't have to smell peanut butter.

Here's some photos of them returning home safe and sound. Doesn't Emily look so grown up?

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Neighbors

This is the family across the street. Will is in Emily's class. These are the twins, Maggie and Betsey.

The Currans next door waiting for the bus.