Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter in Rochester - Easter Morning

Easter in Rochester - Egg Decorating

The Hannah Montana Movie

Dash's summer cut

The Passover Seder

We had a very abbreviated seder on the first night of Passover. Since we didn't have a shank bone, Dash kindly lent us one of his (don't worry, it was brand new).

Rebecca took the reclining thing a bit too far!

Look who found the Afikomen (after she finally woke up).

Second Grade Field Trip to Science Discovery Museum

Before school vacation, I chaperoned Emily's class on a field trip to the Science Discovery Museum in Acton. Very few pictures of Amanda because her group was on a different floor. The one I got was from above since we were on the second floor when she was on the first.

Hard to believe but it actually snowed that day. Today they are expecting 70 degrees. Tomorrow in the 80s. Gotta love spring in New England!

Introducing the next new pop sensation: Kasey and Christy

Who says Rebecca doesn't have a twin? This is her friend Kasey. They are playing a game they call "Kasey and Christy". They are wearing Emily and Amanda's costumes from Lip Sync last year.

Model Matzah Bakery

After breakfast with the Easter Bunny, we were off to the Model Matzah bakery. (Notice Amanda still has bunny whiskers drawn on her face). Emily is dressed as Moses. She got to lead her people out of Egypt.

Breakfast with the Easter Bunny

Sorry for the hiatus from the blog. Here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks.

First, breakfast with the Easter Bunny:

Monday, April 6, 2009

Guest Readers

Last Friday was parent teacher conferences at Emily and Amanda's school which meant that Rebecca had school but they did not. Emily, Amanda and Meghan came with me to Rebecca's school and read to the pre-K classes. They were great! Asking questions and showing the girls the book. So grown up!

Happy Birthday Jay!