Thursday, March 26, 2009

Gymnastics Show

Girl Scout Pet Care Badge Part 2

In addition to the trip to the Animal Shelter, as part of the Pet Care Try-it, we learned about caring for our pets. Dash, Hammy and Eloise the leopard gecko made guest appearances at our Brownie Meeting. The girls also drew pictures about their favorite animals and why they were their favorites. Amanda, of course, drew a bunny. She wrote that she was just born to love bunnies. I think she might be right!

No pictures of Hammy because I was trying to keep them from squeezing the life out of her.

Girl Scout Field Trip to the Animal Shelter

Children's Horizons Field Trip to the Puppet Showcase

Last week, Rebecca's class went on a field trip to the Puppet Showcase in Lunenburg to see "Jack and The Beanstalk."

And, yes, she and her friend Kasey did coordinate their outfits. It starts already!

The Octopus Sweater

With just a little help from Grandma (thanks Grandma!) and redoing the sleeve only 3 times, I finally finished Rebecca's octopus sweater that was her birthday gift. Isn't she adorable?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Unbelievable cuteness - times 20

On Sunday, Rebecca went to a Princess Tea Party for her friend Drew's birthday. There were 20 little princesses there. Too much cuteness. Even the "real" Cinderella came!

Rebecca, Drew, Julia and Norah

Rebecca and Drew

Ski Bunnies

We took Emily and Rebecca skiing last weekend - nothing better than spring skiing. The weather was warm, the snow was soft and the lines were short. Emily LOVED it -went back the next day for more. Rebecca wasn't so sure. Amanda wouldn't even try it (can't say I blame her - she's the most like dear old mom).

Looks like we have at least one little snow bunny. Jury is still out on Rebecca.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Meghan's Birthday Party

Nothing better than swimming in the middle of a snow storm!

Chuck E Cheese - Take 2

Also on Wednesday we went back to Chuck E Cheese with Rebecca's friends, Drew, Kasey and Bridget, to redo her party. She had a great time! Finally got to go on all the rides and play all the games with her friends.



Kasey, Drew and Rebecca
Bridget and Chuck E

How cute is she!