Monday, February 23, 2009

Rebecca's 5th Birthday - the pre-party

On Saturday, the day before Rebecca's birthday, all the grandparents came into town and we took Rebecca to the American Girl store in Natick to get her very own American Girl doll. So, meet Julie (the historic doll from the 1970s). Aunt Andrea sent Rebecca the beautiful dress pictured below and one for her doll. Rebecca couldn't wait to put it on the doll - she did it in the store! Thank you Grandma for the doll and Aunt Andrea and Uncle Matt and cousins for the dresses! And thank you Aunt Lori, Uncle Eric and cousins for the gift certificate - Rebecca bought Ginger the cat, pictured below. You were right - they were sold out of Honey the dog.

Cookie Booth Sale, Take 2

The Solomon Pond Mall. This was indoors so it was warm at least but we didn't sell too many boxes of cookies. Oh well!

Continental Artifacts

As a social studies project, the girls created artifacts from the seven continents. Here are pictures of a few:

Show and Tell

Right before February vacation, Amanda brought her violin in for show and tell. I was lucky enough to be volunteering in her class that day, so we have video. She was very impressive, even during the Q&A.

Valentine's Day Preparations

Rebecca and her friends Drew and Emily went to Fire Your Desire before Valentine's Day to make a special valentine's day heart for Daddy. The cat is Love Splat from the book by that name.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Lip Sync 2009

Emily, Amanda, Meghan and their friend Grace performed "High School Musical" from High School Musical 3 at Lip Sync this year.

Here are my photos and video from it. Jay took 1800 photos so it's going to take a while to cull through his photos. (he was the official photographer for it)

I have to say - these photos of them with their friends in their caps and gowns gave me chills. I can so picture them 10 years from now at their real High School graduation. I'm not ready!

Ballet Recital Preview

This is what Rebecca will be wearing for her Ballet Recital in early June. I see Tinkerbell next Halloween!

Rebecca's Gymnastics Award Ceremony

Girl Scout Cookie Booth at Shaw's

Ashley and Grace
Erin and Sarah
Emily, Meghan, Gwen and Amanda

We got very lucky with temps in the 40s for our booth sale on Super Bowl Sunday. We sold almost 200 boxes of cookies!

What happens when Rebecca gets a hold of the camera

She's not half bad! She did drop the camera though. As you can see, Dash is her favorite subject.

It's hard to find a quiet place to read

Fun in the Snow

Although it has been a VERY snowy (and icy) winter up here in New England, there hasn't been a lot of good snow for building snowmen, etc. The girls tried though.

Brownie Meeting - the Girl Scout Promise and Rules

A late New Year's posting

Hi everyone -

Sorry for the lack of postings recently. It's been a rough couple of weeks - with a car accident, infected toe, stomach bug and very sick dog. Everyone is healthy now (except the car) so hopefully we can get back to doing fun stuff. First, a little catch up though.

Rebecca and Dash on New Year's day