Thursday, November 20, 2008

Visit to the Candy Factory

The mom of one of Rebecca's friends organized a tour of the Hebert Candy Mansion (Colonial Candies). The girls got to go downstairs to see how the chocolate is made, hand-dip their own chocolate covered marshmallow, Rice Krispie treat and pretzel and then make their own ice cream sundaes. Yum!

don't ask me why Rebecca is facing backwards. Some fights just can't be won!

something I never want to see again

The girls in a jail cell! Our Brownie troop went on a tour of the Stow Police Station.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Girl Scout Square Dance

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Trip to Old Sturbridge Village

Emily's glasses

Making Halloween cookies

On Thursday, we went to Rebecca's friend Amelia's house to decorate cookies. Notice how clean Amelia and Sara are and how messy Rebecca is. Why?

More Halloween Pictures

Random Halloween pictures from last week.

Dash as a girl (a neighbor gave him this shirt thinking he was a girl. Rebecca made him wear it).

These are from Rebecca's friend Drew's Halloween party last Saturday.

These are from the SAPN Halloween party. The girls' Brownie troop helped out by handing out candy in the trick-or-treat houses.

Fall Fun