Thursday, November 29, 2007

Flat Stanley

Flat Stanley came home with Emily yesterday. Here are the pages from his journal about his visit to our house. Flat Stanley is now off to his next adventure . Check your mailboxes to see if he's coming to visit you!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


More Thanksgiving Pictures

Maybe these aren't artistically as good but here's some more pictures and I think they tell the story of our Thanksgiving weekend with family.

Jay's favorite pictures from Thanksgiving

Misses Solomon Go to Washington

On our way down to Uncle Matt's house in North Carolina for Thanksgiving, we stopped in Washington DC to show Emily, Amanda and Rebecca the historic sites of our nation's capitol. Their favorite part, by far, was going to the top of the Washington Monument.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Visit from Katie, Maggie and Elizabeth (and Uncle Eric and Aunt Lori)

On Monday morning, we went to the Science Discovery Museum in Acton. Here are some pictures. We did lots of other fun stuff during the visit but I didn't have a camera for any of that. Can't wait to see everyone for Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Rebecca gets her cast off

FINALLY! Rebecca was a real trooper about it but still we are very glad that she has two fully functioning arms again. At Jay's request, here are some pictures and videos of the whole process.
Rebecca in the waiting room prior to seeing the doctor.

Rebecca having the X-ray.

The X-ray itself.

The Orthopedist's assistant explaining to Rebecca how they get the cast off.

This is the "Tickle Machine" sawing through the outer layer of the cast. Amanda said "they don't call it that." They do for 3 year old patients!

This is the "Tickle Machine." Looks a little scary to me but Rebecca didn't seem to mind.

Then they cut the outer shell away from the sock underneath.

Pull apart the white fluff underneath, remove the gauze sock. And,

Two Arms!!

And, we get to keep the cast. Rebecca is thrilled!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Girl Scout Encampment

Last Saturday (during the Nor-easter) Emily, Amanda and I went to our first Girl Scout encampment. Here are some of the highlights:

Brownie Troop 2509 participated in the opening ceremony. They were the Color Guard, carrying the flag and they performed the "Brownie Smile" song.

Mercifully, instead of the Color Hike, they did indoor games like parachute.

Some of the lowlights: learning how to make fire in 60 mph winds; trudging through the woods from camp site to camp site and the Taco lunch.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Why you should never assume

Rebecca: "Daddy, can you draw a monkey for me? You draw such good monkeys."

Jay: "You draw great monkeys too. That's a great monkey."

Rebecca: "That's a duck."

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I want that . . . and that . . . and that

Rebecca has discovered the toy catalogs that just keep coming. Just now she was looking through a catalog.

Rebecca (pointing) : "I want that . . . and that . . . and that . . . and that".

Me: Do you know what any of those things are?

Rebecca: "No." (Pause) "And that . . . and that."

So, take her lists with a grain of salt. The air rifle and dart board are definitely not "Mommy-approved".

Friday, November 2, 2007

The Silly Halloween Story by Emily Solomon

Once upon a time, I was going walking. While I was walking up a hill, I saw a door. I opened it (even though I know I'm not supposed to do that) and a whole big box of candy came flying out and I ate the candy until I had a stomach-ache. Then I went home and my mother said "I guess you've already eaten all of your Halloween candy and you weren't supposed to." And I had to tell her my whole story. Then she said "Well you shouldn't have eaten it anyway." Then I did not need dinner. So I went up to bed and did all my stuff. Then me and my mother read a little story before bed. Then my mother said "Goodnight, Emily. I hope this doesn't happen next Halloween." The end.