Here's a group photo of the kids in the neighborhood who we went trick-or-treating with. Top row - Betsey, Mrs. Ondrey with Molly (the cockapoo), Maggie Middle row - Emily, Rebecca, Meghan and Amanda Bottom row - Spencer, Jonas and Will
My favorite is Molly's costume. I can't believe she let them put the antennae on her!
We went over to the neighbor's house for a little party before trick-or-treating. Here's a video of what the kids all had to say when asked their favorite part of Halloween. Plus, you also get to see everyone in their costumes. Too cute!
The Stow Area Parent Network had their annual Halloween party on Saturday. As one of their service projects for the year, Emily and Amanda's Brownie troop helped to give out candy at the Not-so-haunted houses. Rebecca helped too.
Also on Sunday we went to Mount Wachusett for AppleFest. We went up the skyride to the top of Wachusett Mountain. The views of the fall foliage were just stunning!
Poor Rebecca fell off the swing in our back yard and broke her little arm. She got a cool pink cast, though, and has been very brave for everything she has had to do. Naturally Melissa spoiled her after she went to the doctor, and then to radiology and then to whatever you call the guy who puts on the cast. Here she is holding her new bunny (and one of Amanda's). Emily is so jealous that Rebecca got so much new stuff and attention that she wants to break her arm now too.
We were at the Stow library on tuesday for an after-school arts and crafts program. A photographer from the Stow Paper (that's actually the name of it) was there. So, the girls made the paper. You know it's a small town when it's news that we moved to town.
Last Sunday we went to the Open Barn at Chestnut Farms, the meat co-op where we are getting our meat from now. The girls got to see all the animals - even hold a baby chicken. They all agree that they want to adopt Snowflake the goat as our new pet. The Farm was great - looked like a milk commercial. It makes us feel marginally better that our food is living a happy life before it becomes our food.