Friday, June 29, 2007

Panama Girls

Thanks, Yara, for the beautiful dresses from Panama. We got a lot of compliments on them!

Lowell Spinners Baseball Game

Last Saturday (ok, so I'm a little behind on the posts), we went to the Lowell Spinners baseball game. This is a very minor league affiliate of the Red Sox. They had a Swampland children's play area with games and prizes and showed a movie on the field at the end of the game. We all had a great time, even though we didn't get home until after 11. Rebecca, who tried cotton candy for the first time that night, was awake the entire time.

Sparkle for President

Amanda's stuffed dog has launched a campaign for President (she was upset that no girl had ever been president - not to mention, no stuffed dog).

Sparkle's campaign platform:

everyone should be friends and no one should start a war for no reason.

She's got my vote!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

So much for feminism

Rebecca and I were having a discussion (ok, disagreement) as to what she would wear today to a birthday party. She said "Mommy, you're not the boss".

Me: "I'm not?"

Rebecca: "No, Daddy is."

Emily, attempting to make me feel better: "Mommy, you can be the boss when Daddy's not home, like when he's at work."

What am I doing wrong?

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Webkinz Town Meeting

I think the pink poodle might have suspended the writ of habeas corpus while no one was looking.

We had to wait in line for an hour and a half but it was worth it

This was the Natick Family Network Family Appreciation Night event. The girls desperately wanted their faces painted and balloon animals. As you can see, the clown was quite good (although quite slow).

Playing in Cousins' Backyard

While Amanda was lounging

Lounging by the pool

It doesn't get any better than this, does it?

Cousin Katie's Birthday Party

We went to Rochester last weekend for cousin Katie's 7th birthday party. As you can probably guess, it was a pool party. The girls had a great time!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Walden Plants a Flower (Or, as I call it, "Not to be outdone by my sister"

Written and Illustrated by Emily Solomon.

Walden lived in his house. He felt like something special was going to grow in Walden's garden. Walden tried each seed but couldn't think of one that would plant something special but finally he found it. It was a seed to plant a sunflower. The end.

Walden's Space Adventure

Written and illustrated by Amanda Solomon.

One day Walden went to space. He flew up, up, up until he landed down. He did not know where he was. So, he looked around and he finally found where he was. He was on the moon. He looked at all the planets around him, even the sun.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Emily and Amanda's new school

Emily and Amanda went to "Move Up" day at their new elementary school, Pompositticut School - Pompo for short. They met their new teachers and some of the kids who will be in their classes. Both girls are very excited because in first grade you have class pets. Emily's class has a goldfish and Amanda's has sea monkeys.

This is the school mascot - the Pompo Penguin. The girls were most excited that they got little stuffed penguins today. Apparently, they can be bought pretty easily.

What would you do on the first day of summer vacation?

Make snowflakes, of course!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Amanda's Report Card

Amanda's report card. She is such a teacher's pet. We are very proud of her!

Emily's report card

I'm not sure how legible this is but it's Emily's final kindergarten report card. She did very well - just has to work on keeping her focus and being a bit more independent. We're very proud of her!

First Day of Summer Vacation

Emily and Amanda are keeping a journal over the summer to practice their writing. Here are their first journal entries for yesterday.

This is Amanda's. It says "My little sister is annoying." The bottom picture is Rebecca grabbing away Amanda's pirate ship - note that Rebecca is a smiley face but Amanda is frowning. The upper picture is me putting Rebecca in a time out upstairs in her room. Rebecca and I are frowning there.

Emily had a more positive spin on the day. Her journal says "2007. My friend Madeline came to play." I think this is a picture of Madeline. Madeline is VERY tall.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Last Day of KIndergarten (sob!)

Yesterday was Emily and Amanda's last day of kindergarten and last day at Johnson school. They were ok about it but I was a bit sad. It's hard to believe but they are now first graders. We go on Friday to Stow for "Move Up Day" there where they will find out their new teachers and meet the kids in their classes.

Bridging from Daisies to Brownies

Emily and Amanda have now bridged from Daisies to Brownies. We will be joining a Brownie troop in Stow (conveniently meeting right next door to our house) in the fall. Rebecca has bridged too (sort of). Because I will be continuing as co-leader of the new Brownie troop, Rebecca will be able to continue to attend the meetings as an honorary Brownie.

Playground at Tougas Farm

Jay's photos - not mine. He's pretty good, huh?

Strawberry Picking at Tougas Farm in Northborough

from last Sunday.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Rebecca's First Talent Show

This was at the year-end Ice Cream Social at Emily and Amanda's school.

The Joke:

Knock, Knock
Who's there?
Patty cake
Patty cake who?
Patty cake, baker's man.

More pictures from Castle Park

The Amanda face lives

Amanda did the monkey bars at Castle Park (Hannah Williams playground) all by herself. Her face shows how proud of herself she is.

Rebecca's last day of preschool at Temple Israel

Rebecca with her teachers, Mrs. Friedman and Mrs. Chase, on the last day of preschool.
June 6, 2007

Friday, June 8, 2007

TCAN Presents The Little Mermaid

Amanda Solomon as Sebastian and
Emily Solomon as Flounder

Monday, June 4, 2007

Emily's Kindergarten Portfolio

(I would help people make friends)