Sunday, December 23, 2007

Steppingstones Holiday Show - the Rehearsal

This was Rebecca's final run-through at home before the big show.

Steppingstones Holiday Show

Winter in Stow

Friday, December 21, 2007


Saturday, December 8, 2007

First Night of Hanukkah

Hanukkah 2007

Playing Dreidel with Emily's friend, Katie.

Baking and Decorating Hanukkah cookies.

Star Student

Amanda was Star Student of the Week in her class. She had to fill out this chart and bring it back in to school where it hangs in the classroom for a week. She was very excited!



Friday, December 7, 2007

Teddy Bear Picnic at Steppingstones

I am choosing to believe that Rebecca is scratching her nose.

This is from a birthday party afterwards at Papa Gino's. That's Jonathon - Rebecca's boyfriend. Aren't they cute together?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Flat Stanley

Flat Stanley came home with Emily yesterday. Here are the pages from his journal about his visit to our house. Flat Stanley is now off to his next adventure . Check your mailboxes to see if he's coming to visit you!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


More Thanksgiving Pictures

Maybe these aren't artistically as good but here's some more pictures and I think they tell the story of our Thanksgiving weekend with family.

Jay's favorite pictures from Thanksgiving

Misses Solomon Go to Washington

On our way down to Uncle Matt's house in North Carolina for Thanksgiving, we stopped in Washington DC to show Emily, Amanda and Rebecca the historic sites of our nation's capitol. Their favorite part, by far, was going to the top of the Washington Monument.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Visit from Katie, Maggie and Elizabeth (and Uncle Eric and Aunt Lori)

On Monday morning, we went to the Science Discovery Museum in Acton. Here are some pictures. We did lots of other fun stuff during the visit but I didn't have a camera for any of that. Can't wait to see everyone for Thanksgiving!